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Jul 25, 2023

Maybe it’s happened to you: That thing you love? Your hobby, your passion? Maybe it was writing, or coaching. You tried to make money off it. You tried to transition it into a side-gig, or your main gig. And then it got hard. And then you felt behind, like you weren’t doing good enough. And then one day, you...

Jul 18, 2023

Curious about  “my process” for manifesting, reinventing myself, and more? Today I break it down and explain it all. It’s called Flowdreaming, and it’s an emotional energetic technique used by tens of thousands of people to manifest, shape, program, and even heal their lives. If you really want to next-level...

Jul 11, 2023

Last night I woke up at 3 am. My head was full of unsavory thoughts clutching and picking at me. You might know the feeling. Why does all our inner crud lift to the surface at night? What can we do about it? Today you’re going to learn how to rearrange your thoughts and energy in the wee hours of the night so you can...

Jul 4, 2023

Juicy, powerful and thought-provoking! Do you need to trust your heart more? This episode is for you. Guest Elizabeth Guarino and I  talk about why we’re afraid of change, how to be better connectors with others, why and how fear gets in the way of us owning our next steps, and one my personal favorites (and hers)...