Dec 26, 2017
Is it easier for you to say no, or say yes? It depends on the circumstance. What if you have to say yes to yourself, like investing money in yourself, or creating time for yourself? What if you have to say no, that you don’t want to loan money to your family, or you don’t want to behave how your partner thinks...
Dec 19, 2017
Rebel. Reject. Don’t want to go along with the line. Is this you? Was this you? Do you want this you back? We look into the energy of the Rebel and what he/she does for us. Get more with the Reclaim My Power Flowdream at...
Dec 12, 2017
Themes of Summer’s life this year: power, trust, fear. What are your top themes? What IS a life theme, anyway? We explore the teachings in mystery schools—places that help you go deep and discover things that normal life doesn’t play in. Get more with the My Future Self Flowdream at...
Dec 5, 2017
Put on your wings and let’s play with some fire! What is the Divine Feminine? How does it propel you, or restrain you? How often do you feel the Goddess in you? We jump into ideas around being a woman, feeling sexy, and exploring our Lady Power. Follow up with the Goddess Power Playlist at...
Nov 28, 2017
Money monkeys are the thoughts we carry around on our backs that habitually pull us back and down. They’re the Lack thoughts around money that pop up out of nowhere. Are you tired of carrying them? Us too. Join us today as we shed our money monkeys and emerge into financial freedom. Check out MoneyFlow for a clear...