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Mar 27, 2018

Do you feel complete, cherished, whole in EVERY area of your life? No? This means that parts of you need healing. Healing is an ongoing process of renewing the damaged, repressed, betrayed, angry, or unfulfilled bits in us that can accumulate over the years. Summer shows you how Flow is perfect gateway to deep inner...

Mar 20, 2018

Work is like family: you spend more time with your coworkers than your own kin! So getting your work life to feel easy and growing is crucial to a healthy life. If your work is stressful, boring, or unrewarding (financially, emotionally, or otherwise) then you need to put your Flow to work IN your work! Learn how in...

Mar 13, 2018

When you think about your worth, what number do you settle on? Is the wage you’re being paid now, or are you priceless? This show marks the first in a series that will help you uncover “lack” thinking in your life. (Hint: Every time you expect your needs won’t get met, you’re in lack.) Summer helps you turn...

Mar 7, 2018

Whew, all this inner work we’ve done lately! So how’s your physical world? Is it in just as good a shape? Today we play with manifesting thing, like reliable cars, snug happy houses, and fun toys that let us fully indulge in physical life. Make your wish list and join Summer for co-creating all the marvelous things...