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Feb 24, 2010

"I can't Flowdream since it always puts me to sleep!" If that sounds like you, then enjoy today's show, in which Summer shares her newest CD, Sleep Like a Baby at Learn how to use the idea behind Flow to seed your mind with strong positive beliefs about yourself and your potential as you fall asleep,...

Feb 16, 2010

Sometimes we need hot, exciting energy in our lives. Winter blues and cold can leave you low and unmotivated. But Flow energy can be the fragrant wind that stirs you to life again. Today we ask our flow to rev us up with some fun, flamboyant energy and bring something fresh and invigorating into our life. Feel great...

Feb 9, 2010

Loving someone means joining in their Flow--whether with a romantic partner or someone in your family. What happens when you exchange energy with someone like this? Enjoy a Flowdream to send love to all those you love or have loved: past, present, and future. Go deeper with Reawaken to Love and Intimacy

Feb 2, 2010

How does Flow energy move through YOUR workplace? What do your fellow employees bring to the energy? Learn how the Flow of your workplace may be impacting you in all areas of life, and how to use the good energy there to go further, while dumping or shielding away the bad stuff. Get right into Flow at work or anywhere...