Apr 30, 2013
We call them stories, or patterns, or belief systems…but whatever you’re used to calling it…it’s the same thing: a way of thinking/feeling/believing, embedded in your deeper energy self, that seemingly dictates what you do and what you create, even when you don’t want it! Your patterns bring you the same kinds...
Apr 23, 2013
Summer surprises you with some odd observations about matter, energy, and consciousness. You might think twice before moving your lawn, or skipping stones in the lake, after listening to today’s show!
Apr 16, 2013
What if you refused to be afraid of anything, ever again? Nothing could throw you, nothing could paralyze you or make you feel stuck. There’s nothing you couldn’t say, and no one you couldn’t say it to. Can you imagine how your life would change? Fear is a jailer, and we lock ourselves up willingly. Flowdreaming...
Apr 2, 2013
Are you a natural born empath? Visit Flowdreaming.com and take the quiz. Learn why crowds make you feel fuzzy and irritable. Learn why being around negative people gets you so down. Discover why you’re always thinking and worrying about what you think someone ELSE is thinking or worry about. What do these have in...