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Aug 28, 2017

One of Summer’s M.E. School students recently admitted that she’s hiding her enrollment from her husband and family. This got Summer interested in the question of why we hide our desires. Are we afraid other people will ruin them, or judge us? Are we afraid of jealousy or disconnection? How can you both want to be...

Aug 22, 2017

When can you finally say you’re good enough to do or be all those things you long for? Explore how it feels to already be everything you need to be, and stop waiting for permission. You are enough. We dig deeply into that feeling today. Get more with the Ultimate Self-Love & Self-Worth Playlist at...

Aug 15, 2017

Burn-time refers to an emotional and energetic understanding in which you allow yourself to let go of things that harm you, instead of staying invested in them. It’s a concept that frees you from all kinds of harmful and life-sucking situations and obligations. Learn how to develop more burn time in your life, and why...

Aug 8, 2017

The energy of birth is continuously fascinating! How do you open yourself to the energy of “new creation,” whether that means getting pregnant or birthing a book or even a new business? The energy of birth is one of “extreme allowing.” Get into the emotion of birth today, and watch how new good things begin to...

Aug 1, 2017

Courage, power, vision. No more settling for second-best! Self-love means you have endless capacity to feel love. It means you love and accept everything about yourself. It means you free yourself from any tie that weakens you or dis-empowers you. Fill up on a huge dose of self-appreciation and care with today’s...