Jan 29, 2008
To create success, you must radiate success. So, how can be successful in situations that you don't like? How can be successful in a job you hate, or in a relationship that isn't working? Summer shares strategic tips for how to change the energy balance in any situation so you again begin to send out signals for what...
Jan 15, 2008
Summer looks at a variety of ideas this week, including "What is evil?" and "How does my family affect my energy, especially when they are negative?" Today's show is one of quiet reflection as Summer ponders some of the deeper meanings of Flow...
Jan 8, 2008
Summer gives you concrete suggestions for tackling depression, using the power of your Flow to assist you. This is a particularly powerful and moving show, as Summer reminds you of your true inner strength. You will enjoy several calls in which Summer helps a new mother move away from post-partum depression, and...