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Sep 24, 2018

Elegance? Yeah! Life can be elegant. You can flow through it, unruffled, unstressed. But how? Let’s bring some principles of Flow into your life and get you feeling GOOD again. Once more, Summer brings her lessons from M.E. School to you today!

Sep 18, 2018

The only gift you have consistently through your whole life is YOU — your body, mind, and inner being. Yet we often treasure it last. Today we play with the balance between our personal power, and the power others have over us in our lives. Today’s lesson is direct from Summer’s M.E. School, and great example of...

Sep 11, 2018

M.E. School kicks off enrollment this week, so Summer is taking you for a peek inside with a lesson on crafting your Future Self. Who are you? How do you look and feel? What have you made, and what have you released? Spend time in Flow crafting your Future You. Then take it further by checking out M.E. School...

Sep 4, 2018

Oh sweet lord, another birthday. Happy to be alive 3 years post cancer, but also, not so happy about that 20 extra pounds, and the lack of energy that used to propel me. What is aging anyway? What is gratitude? How can you recapture gratitude and wonder again for your looks, your heart, your mind? Go deep in and ask....