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Jun 26, 2012

Have you ever wondered what your "higher self" was like? Have you ever thought about what other energies might be "out there," and/or why they'd want to help you or be concerned about your life? Summer looks at the many forms of Intelligence in Flow energy that may communicate with you, and she helps you understand how...

Jun 19, 2012

One of the most common issues Summer’s clients come to her with is a feeling that passion has fled their lives. You can feel a lack of passion in your marriage or partnership, at work, or within yourself as a lack of knowing where to go next. Summer fills this show with ideas to regenerate passion in your life, so...

Jun 12, 2012

Does energy have a gender tied to it? Surprisingly, yes AND no. Hear Summer’s take on how energy can assume masculine and feminine qualities, mimicking life’s natural yin/yang balance, and learn how each energy can be used within...

Jun 5, 2012

Manifestors learn to be in balance between attachment and detachment and to stay constantly aware of when their energy is shifting toward something vs. away from it. We’ll look today at where and how our Flow energy may be bound up in things, and/or being released from them, so we can better guide how we attach to or...