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Sep 25, 2007

Summer tackles a tough topic this week, namely, how does the idea of God and free will fit in with manifesting and the Flow? Today's show is an interesting foray into the "mind of God," as we explore how such an awareness might be manifested within our world. A show for those of you who enjoy deep thinking and...

Sep 18, 2007

Our ability to manifest relies on our feelings of deserving what we are asking for. Too often, we hold secret feelings of unworthiness that hinder our ability to create what we desire. Summer looks at this issue, and leads you through a Flowdream to...

Sep 11, 2007

Summer offers you new ways of thinking about health from an energy perspective. She tackles such sticky dilemmas as just how responsible you are for the state of your health, and she gives you ways to work with your mind to affect your body, so you can increase your physical power and intiate strong healing...