May 27, 2014
Think on this: Whatever problem you’re facing already contains its solution. Sometimes we get caught in feeling like we have to search or wait for our solutions, when in truth, your way out or way to something is already present. The trick is learning to see both at once, and then use Flow to set them in motion....
May 20, 2014
Being is Flow is a state of tremendous ease, when anything you feel is instantly realized around you in the people and circumstances of your life. Being in Flow means that instead of encountering struggle, you encounter options. It means you’ve connected with deep, universal, creative energy and it’s at your beck...
May 13, 2014
When is it procrastination, when it is planning, and when are you just plain “not ready”? And how do all three contribute to your lack cycle? What Summer’s learned is that when someone isn’t “ready,” you get to see who they really are, because all their holdbacks are present and viewable. Get ready for this...
May 6, 2014
Continuing in our series, today Summer helps you get behind what money means to you. Does it mean security? Or perhaps freedom? How about relief? There are so many yummy emotions you can use to manifest prosperity with—it’s just a matter of finding your particular triggers and the manifesting emotions to address...