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Jun 24, 2014

Courage, power, vision. No more settling for second-best! Self-love means you have endless capacity to feel love. It means you love and accept everything about yourself. It means you free yourself from any tie that weakens you or dis-empowers you. Fill up on a huge dose of self-appreciation and care with today’s...

Jun 17, 2014

What is your life like, when you’ve developed your intuition, connected to Source, and realized your ability to manifest or co-create to your absolute highest potential? Answer: Your life rocks! But have you ever thought about making that a goal? Or is your personal development on a lazy man’s unplanned course to...

Jun 10, 2014

Maybe you already know that you’re an empath—a person who reads energy through getting feelings and hunches. Some psychics see things, others hear. We empaths FEEL. Empathic intuition is the next wave of development for anyone who’s been looking for their ultimate way to tap in to their ability. Get more with

Jun 3, 2014

Need money? Snap, there it is. Desire love? Got it. How about some acknowledgment or appreciation from the world? Bingo—you made it. Retirement funds? Yep, done. Can you imagine what it would feel like to learn a SINGLE METHOD that, when repeated over and over, can create all of this for you? Summer has this method,...