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Oct 19, 2021

In our 30s, our wants and needs shift a lot in the world...and so does what we’re focused on manifesting. Take a look at what your priorities are (or were) in your 30s, and see if you nailed them or not.  Reach Summer at for more.

Oct 13, 2021

Aren’t these the million-dollar questions! Summer walks you through 6 rules for understanding what manifesting is, how it works, and for discovering the best technique for you. And don’t for a second think this is an episode for newbies. Nope, these insights are deep and rich. Enjoy! To read the blog that inspired...

Oct 12, 2021

So you love manifesting! Awesome! And, you’re in your 20s. What is the most important thing to focus on? What should your energy aligning to, exactly? We look at the most important manifesting goals for this stage of life...and for anyone not in your 20s, this episode will shed some light on exactly where you were,...

Oct 5, 2021

I have all that I need. I have more than enough. When I need more, it comes to me. Imagine if those were your daily mantras. Well, they can be! Join Summer as she helps move your mind from scarcity to abundance so something as simple as having extra cash is totally possible. How much extra cash do you need? Let’s find...

Sep 29, 2021

All those things you’re trying to make that aren’t here yet. Why? What’s getting them stuck? We look at the things that aren’t yet here in your life, even though you want them so badly. Then, Summer gives you tools (including Flow) and ideas for vastly shortening the wait. Enjoy the Flowdream in this episode,...