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Dec 25, 2018

What did you create or manifest this year? What got launched...then petered out? What got launched and soared? What got put on hold and pushed ahead to some future date? We do some energetic organizing that will perfectly position you to take on the new year with clear, clear, focused energy. Go deeper with the

Dec 18, 2018

We all want that lifelong best friend, or the wise spiritual teacher. Or perhaps our guru, minister, teacher or role model. Why do we love these people? Because they act as sounding boards. All our thoughts, feelings and actions can be weighted against their wisdom to create continuity for us. We make them into...

Dec 11, 2018

Why is love considered the highest emotion of the Universe? After all, we all say God Is Love. If this is true, then love is the #1 emotion we should be working for in life. So today, Summer gives you five things to do today, right now, to increase your self love and happiness in the next few minutes. Ready? Then keep...

Dec 4, 2018

When things burn, it’s often the only time in your life when you crack yourself open to new understandings and ideas. Normally, we’re holding on for life to ways of doing things that have got us to where we are, and so we never ask, “What’s really going on here? Is it me? How can I play this game differently?”...

Nov 27, 2018

Some people are so overwhelmed from too much giving that they shut down completely. Summer met one such person recently and gives you a read on the dangers of being too wanted, too needed, too powerful, and super burned out. It’s an energy thing, and the key to avoiding it is ... well you better listen to find out!...