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Jan 16, 2018

Some days, things just go astray. Communication is confusing, projects get stalled, people get in the way, and everything skews off track. What kind of energy is this!? And how do you fix it? Fortunately, you can. Learn how to put renegade energy back into alignment in today’s episode. Go deeper with the Daily Flow...

Jan 9, 2018

If you master the art of Finding the Gift, then life truly becomes a fun game. Whether you’re facing a tragedy or triumph, finding the gift in it immediately puts you in power. And when you’re in power, Flow is your willing accomplice to achieving your dreams. Get more with the Divine Timing Flowdream at...

Jan 2, 2018

Feel your Flow today as Summer spends the hour helping you feel aligned, on purpose, and in Flow. Flow is a state of being wherein you move with ease and purpose through every upcoming moment. When in Flow, you experience a sense that everything happening is somehow right, on track, and part of a greater purpose. You...

Dec 26, 2017

Is it easier for you to say no, or say yes? It depends on the circumstance. What if you have to say yes to yourself, like investing money in yourself, or creating time for yourself? What if you have to say no, that you don’t want to loan money to your family, or you don’t want to behave how your partner thinks...

Dec 19, 2017

Rebel. Reject. Don’t want to go along with the line. Is this you? Was this you? Do you want this you back? We look into the energy of the Rebel and what he/she does for us. Get more with the Reclaim My Power Flowdream at...