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Jun 5, 2012

Manifestors learn to be in balance between attachment and detachment and to stay constantly aware of when their energy is shifting toward something vs. away from it. We’ll look today at where and how our Flow energy may be bound up in things, and/or being released from them, so we can better guide how we attach to or...

May 1, 2012

Feeling tired or out of sorts? Infuse yourself with Flow energy to scatter the fog and clear your mind. Sometimes our body is “under the weather,” and sometimes our mind is. And, sometimes it’s hard to tell which of the two is actually responsible for our funky mood. So let’s cover them both by washing your...

Apr 24, 2012

Summer helps you feel the energy of money today as she revisits one of her most popular topics, which is to show you how to feel what a rich person feels, and discover how your Flow responds to this. If you are suffering form a lack of funds, try this show out for some new...

Feb 7, 2012

It sounds exciting! Learning to manifest and create future stuff in your life using daydreaming and emotion…how neat! But then you try it and…you begin to wonder, “Am I doing this right?” “Why is nothing happening?” “Is it okay if I can’t feel much emotion?” or “How do I actually envision...

Jan 31, 2012

Guest Gabrielle Roth created the 5Rhythms community that uses dance and movement as a way to connect to your inner Flow. According to Gabrielle, the five rhythms (flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness) are states of being that you explore through movement to achieve knowledge of your own inner self. Summer...